Events - 24 Aug 09:00Expert Meeting on Vitiligo



Prof. Torello Lotti, VRF's Scientific Chair, invites you to join the expert Meeting on "New Small Molecules for Treatment of Vitiligo" held by World Health Academy of Integrative Dermatology in Bruges on August 24-26, 2023.

FAQOther Questions

  • Can a gluten-free diet help with vitiligo?

    It's very unlikely. We have specifically looked into claims that gluten-free diet may ease symptoms of vitiligo, or completely reverse it, and found no firm scientific evidence ...

  • Is vitiligo contagious?

    Vitiligo is NOT contagious. It cannot be passed on or caught from touching someone with vitiligo, shaking hands, swimming in the same pool, sharing towels, sitting next to someo...

  • Does halo nevi affect vitiligo development?

    Halo nevi (also known as Sutton's nevi) are characterized by a mole that's surrounded by a ring of depigmented or lighter skin. While both halo nevi and vitiligo involve the des...