Events - 28 Aug 22:40NY Vitiligo Potluck Picnic


Prospect Park, NY - near Meadowport Arch and West Drive

NY Vitiligo Community will gather for Potluck Picnic this Sunday, September 3rd, at 12-3 PM, at Prospect Park.

The event is being run by our group's own Tiffany Grant.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend by email

Vitiligo Picnic Nyc September 2017

FAQOther Questions

  • What causes vitiligo?

    Surprisingly, the causes of vitiligo are yet to be precisely established. Researchers know the cause is pre-wired in your genes, just waiting for a bad luck moment. In about hal...

  • Does vitiligo increase the risk of skin cancer?

    No, it does not. Despite common misconceptions, people with vitiligo are actually at a lower risk of developing skin cancer, including both nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and ma...

  • Can a gluten-free diet help with vitiligo?

    It's very unlikely. We have specifically looked into claims that gluten-free diet may ease symptoms of vitiligo, or completely reverse it, and found no firm scientific evidence ...