Events - 07 Jul 21:03Sydney Vitiligo Support Meeting


48 Harrow Rd, Stanmore 2048, Sydney, Australia

Saturday 25th July
Time: 2-4pm
Address: 48 Harrow Rd, Stanmore 2048, Sydney

Please confirm your attendance to Tanya Tyler <>.

FAQOther Questions

  • Any Link Between Vitiligo and Military Service?

    While there isn't specific research directly linking military service to the onset of vitiligo, it's critical to comprehend that vitiligo is a multifaceted disorder influenced b...

  • Is there a link between vitiligo and depression?

    Yes, depression and anxiety often occur alongside vitiligo and can greatly affect a person's quality of life. The connection comes from the fact that both the skin and brain dev...

  • Will it spread?

    Vitiligo's progression and response to treatment can vary significantly among individuals, making it a particularly unpredictable skin condition. Based on the VALIANT study from...