Events - 24 Jun 09:00🇨🇴 World Vitiligo Day 2024


Cali, Colombia

The World Vitiligo Day (WVD) Committee proudly announces the Cali, Colombia as the host for the global WVD 2024 celebrations. This momentous event will be held under the esteemed honorary presidency of Dr. Rafael Falabella, with the full backing of the Mayor's Office.

Scheduled for June 24-25 at the Dann Carlton hotel in Cali, these events promise to be both informative and engaging.

The first day, June 24, is dedicated to patients and will offer free skin screenings, consultations, and workshops. These will focus on practical management of vitiligo, covering pharmaceutical and traditional treatments, camouflage techniques, and psychological support. Additionally, there will be enjoyable activities for children and families.

On June 25, the focus shifts to academic activities with esteemed international speakers like Profs. Rafael Falabella, Claudia Arenas, David Arias, Maria Barona, Hernan Duque, Khaled Ezzedine, Torello Lotti, Keith Loo, and Yan Valle. They will cover a broad spectrum of topics, including vitiligo epidemiology, pathogenesis, various treatment modalities, laser applications, and micro-surgical procedures.

Additionally, WVD 2024 will feature a rolling Digital Day, making the event globally accessible through webcasts and social media activities. Stay tuned for more details! 

Curious about how World Vitiligo Day evolved from a humble gathering to a global movement in just a decade? While the full story remains to be told, here's a Brief History of World Vitiligo Day.


FAQOther Questions

  • How can I cure vitiligo?

    There is no cure for vitiligo, but there are a number of effective treatment options that can be discussed with your GP or dermatologist. The aim of treatment is to stop new pat...

  • Are there any famous people with vitiligo?

    Many celebrities have dealt with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career. Here are a few courageous famous peo...

  • Is there a special diet for vitiligo?

    In short, no.  Some people find that certain foods may worsen their vitiligo symptoms or that others may improve their skin condition. We found no scientific evidence that a sp...